segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

Base de Dados - PostgreSQL no Xampp

1. Install PostgreSQL and phpPgAdmin in Windows :

1.1 Install PostgreSQL
Assuming you have already download and installed XAMPP into c:\XAMPP, go and get the latest version of PostgreSQL for Windows. Download the version with the installer, not the one with only binaries.

Usually, it's a .zip package, extract it and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 redistributable vcredist_x86.exe first!

Now, double-click postgresql-8.3.msi, choose your install language, then have a look at installation notes as you may find useful info there.

Change the default install folder to c:\xampp\pgsql
The default install options in the following step are OK, but select everything you are unsure.

Enter a password for the user account "postgres" and leave everything as is in Service Configuration, then proceed to the next step. (You will need that password for future upgrades)

In Initialize Database Cluster:

  • Enable "Accept connections on all addresses, not just localhost" if you want.
  • Choose a different Encoding for both Server and Client (i.e: UTF8 for unicode support)
  • Enter a password for the DB administrator account "postgres".
Proceed as PL/pgsql is enabled by default in Procedural Langauges, then select Contrib Modules you want (select everything if you are unsure). Click on Install.

1.2 Install phpPgAdmin
Go and get the latest phpPgAdmin zip package and extract it into C:\xampp\phpPgAdmin\ . Make sure the files and folders extracted are in that folder, not within another sub-folder.

Then open "" found in C:\xampp\phpPgAdmin\conf\ and set "extra_login_security" to false
$conf['extra_login_security'] = false;

Now, open c:\xampp\php\php.ini and make sure "extension=php_pgsql.dll" is uncommented

Finally, open c:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-xampp.conf and in section add
Alias /phppgadmin "c:/xampp/phpPgAdmin/"

AllowOverride AuthConfig
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

That's all, you can now access phpPgAdmin from your web browser with http://localhost/phppgadmin/

  • For more info about PostgreSQL Installer visit
  • You may use Stack Builder shipped with PostgreSQL to add new functionalities.
  • Visit the phpPgAdmin FAQ for any further info

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